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Does BC MSP Cover Eye Exams?

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Navigating healthcare can be tricky, especially when it comes to understanding what services are covered by insurance. For British Columbians, figuring out if the BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) covers eye exams is one example.

The BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) provides some coverage towards routine eye exams for residents under 19 and over 65 years but will not cover routine eye exams for ages 19 to 64 unless medically necessary.

Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Early detection of eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration can prevent long-term damage and preserve vision.

What Is the BC Medical Services Plan?

The BC Medical Services Plan is a health insurance program that provides eligible residents of British Columbia with basic medical coverage. Managed by the provincial government, MSP aims to make sure that all residents have access to essential medical services without the burden of exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses.

MSP covers a wide array of medical services, including visits to doctors, specialists, and diagnostic services. However, the specific services covered under MSP can sometimes be confusing, particularly for specialized care like eye exams.

Understanding BC MSP Coverage

To effectively utilize MSP, it’s crucial to understand what services it covers. Not all medical services are fully covered. There are exclusions and limitations based on the type of service and the patient’s age or medical condition.

Eye Exams & MSP Coverage

When it comes to eye exams, MSP does provide some coverage towards exams, OCT scans, fundus photography, and visual field tests, but it’s essential to know the specific criteria and frequency to make the most of your benefits.

MSP provides the following coverage for eye exams:

  • Children under 19 are eligible for one routine eye exam annually under MSP coverage.
  • Seniors over 65 years old are eligible for one routine eye exam annually under MSP coverage.
  • Individuals aged 19 to 64 are not eligible for routine eye exam MSP coverage unless medically required.
  • Medically required eye exams are covered once every 6 to 24 months, depending on the health condition, for all MSP beneficiaries.
  • Medically required eye exam coverage for patients on income assistance is the same as for other MSP beneficiaries.

If you fall outside the eligibility criteria, you might need to cover the cost out-of-pocket or through additional private insurance. You are not eligible for MSP coverage if you are from out of province, not registered with BC Medical, or have had an eye exam elsewhere within the past year.


While routine exams for most adults aren’t covered, MSP may cover eye exams if they are medically necessary. For example, if an eye specialist deems it necessary to diagnose or treat an eye condition, MSP may help cover the exam.

The criteria for medically required eye exams that meet MSP coverage include:

  • Eye disease, trauma, or injury
  • Systemic diseases associated with significant eye health risk, such as diabetes
  • Medications associated with significant eye health risk

Frequency of Exams

Medically required eye exams for diagnoses that meet the MSP definition are payable at the frequency based on the diagnostic code. For example, eye exams billed for some diagnostic codes are only payable once every 24 months, some every 12 months, and some every 6 months.

Costs & Reimbursements

Knowing the costs associated with eye exams and how MSP handles reimbursements can save you from unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.

The cost of an eye exam in BC varies depending on the clinic and the comprehensiveness of the exam. For those covered by MSP, the cost of an examination at Lake Country Optometry is $30 for a child exam, $105 for an adult exam, and $90 for an ocular health or emergency exam. 

Always confirm with your eye doctor that they are ‘enrolled’ or registered with MSP. If you’re eligible for coverage under MSP, the process for reimbursement can work two ways:

  1. If your eye doctor is an opted-in optometrist and you are a MSP beneficiary, they will bill MSP directly for all required services, so you don’t have to worry about submitting claims.
  2. If your eye doctor is an opted-out optometrist, they bill you directly for insured services, and MSP reimburses you directly for insured services. However, they may choose to submit claims to MSP on your behalf.

The eye doctors at Lake Country Optometry are enrolled to submit claims directly to MSP, so patients do not need to worry about submitting for reimbursement. 

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

For those who don’t meet the criteria for MSP coverage, out-of-pocket expenses are inevitable. Consider budgeting for these costs or exploring private health insurance options that may provide additional coverage for eye exams. 

If your employer offers benefits, speak to your Human Resources representative for options as company plans often offer tiers of coverage depending on your family’s needs. 

Eye Exams for Healthy Eyes & Vision

Understanding whether MSP covers eye exams and how to utilize these benefits can significantly impact your eye health and financial planning.

Regular eye exams are crucial for early detection and treatment of eye and health conditions.Schedule your next eye exam with Lake Country Optometry today and take a proactive step towards preserving your vision.

Written by Lake Country Optometry

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